Looks like Jax is really going to go through with going Nomad. Clay said he didn't strike a match.
Jax is going to go through with it anyway. Jax finds Piney, and tells him of his plans. Jax said if he stays in the club around Clay one of them is going to wind up dead. Piney says, "and we both know who that should be."
Chibs is freed from the hospital, and finds out about what has been going on in the MC world while he's been on his hospital hiatus. He's in the van talking to Half Sack when he finds out about Cara Cara being burned, and about Jax going Nomad. He makes Half Sack take him to see the IRA. He makes threats, and runs into Jimmy O. Jax comes in, and they get out. Too bad the place is bugged, and FBI agent Stahl is listening in on the conversation. She now has proof that they are tied in to the IRA.
Stahl is waiting for Jax sitting in his house to pay a suprise visit. She confronts him and his reasoning for leaving S.A.M.C.R.O. Tara catches wind of this and is a bit pissed, but more hurt that Jax was making this decision without talking to her about it. Regardless, Jax isn't changing his mind. Stahl makes threats to Jax that if he doesn't give her some information on the Irish that she will come after him. For now S.A.M.C.R.O. and Jax are living in grace.
The Sons stumble across an amo making Indian Tribe as a result of a Repo they did. The vehicle is loaded with cases of home made ammo. Looks like SAMCRO will be adding to the list of what they will be dealing.
Jemma talks to Tara about how bad of an idea it is for Jax to go Nomad.
Chibs is confronted by the Feds to make some deals. Being He is a true line to Jimmy O'fallon, He is a prime candidate for the deal making needed by Stahl.
We learn about Chibs history with Jimmy O. He excommunicated him from the IRA and took his wife and daughter. Left him with his face scar as a reminder. Chibs has had to swallow a lot of pride to deal guns as a member of SOA whom is using the IRA as a pipeline to get the guns.
Jax tells Gemma about going Nomad. They talk. Gemma tells him how bad of an idea it is. Tells Jax that she doesn't think his father's death was an accident. She said that she thinks He hated his life, and let the road take it. She told him to read page 449. (Which is revealed later to talk about John Teller's struggle in his own mind if he should go Nomad).
Chibs has a meeting with Jimmy O. Jimmy O has a lot of balls and is truly a wicked fucker. Chibs said he doesn't need to help him. Jimmy say to Chibs, "Yeah you do, I banished you, I took what's yours. These are the facts. You'll do as I say." Chibs replies, "Go to Hell Jimmy." Through conversation we find out just how much of a scum bag Jimmy is. He makes sexual comments about Chib's daughter. Ultimately, to keep his daughter Cari-Ann and his wife Fiona safe, Chibs is forced to help restore the relationship of the IRA and the Sons.
Bobby tells Jax he doesn't think Clay had anything to do with Cara Cara burning.
Tara gets suspended. She got busted for keeping Chibs in the hospital with fake symptoms.
Bobby and Jax visit Juice in the hospital. Talk about Jax wanting to transfer. Informing about needing Juice to proxy his vote.
The Sons do end up making a deal with the Indian tribe. They are going to make ammo for the Sons. As part of the deal, They end up dealing some psychedelic mushrooms. To make sure they are any good. Clay has Half Sack and Tig try them out. They get truly fucked up. This is some hilarious shit. While Clay is trying to show the One Niners how good the shrooms are because they will be dealing them, they see Half Sack sitting with his legs in a mud pit. He says, "It's cool and warm at the same time. It's cwoorm." He has this stupid shit eating grin on his face and he starts singing cwoorm. Then we see Tig looking at the Indian souvenirs totally vegging the fuck out. I literally laughed my ass off. Seriously. I have no ass anymore. LOL!
Opie and Lila get it on. Did you know Opie actually has hair under that stupid hat of his?
Unser convinces Jax that it had to be a crew that torched Cara Cara. Couldn't have been just one guy. Not Clay. Jax talks to Clay and apologizes about accusing him for it. He asks Clay if he still wants him gone. He says, "Yes."
Gemma sees the conversation between Clay and Jax, but did not hear it. She walks out and talks to Unser who is walking by. She asks him to help protect the club.
The Club reluctantly votes a unanimous Yay to release Jax from the Redwood Charter, and allows him to go to the Nomad Charter. Jax takes off his cut and puts it on the table, and cuts off his charter patches right there and tosses them on the table right at Clay. Jax looks really pissed off and really hurt all at the same time, like he might cry.
Based on a tip that Chibs gave the Feds, they go on in and do some serious harassing of the IRA
Young one. Make some threats, a little black male, and get him to be a rat.
Gemma gets Jax, Tara, and Clay together with her. To help keep them together, She tells Clay and Jax what happened to her, that there was no car accident, that she was gang raped by Zobel's crew. While she is telling the story, we see all kinds of screen shots of all the different SOA crew and cops doing different things. They show Halfsack still sitting in the mud pit now naked pleasuring himself, and they show Tig still there, crying and saying, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." After Gemma is done telling the whole story, Clay embraces her and Jax and Tara get up to leave. Jax picks up his charter patches on the way out.
After watching this one, I thought this episode was the best one yet. But as you know, I was already an episode behind. I've already seen, as I'm sure many of you have episode 11 of season two. I think that even tops this one. If you haven't caught it yet, Hang on to your seat. It's a Hell of a ride!
Next Post of the last show Season 2 episode 11 coming soon.