Paul's Moore-engined CS1; a very fine example of the breed. Impressively, Paul doesn't use kickstart levers and doesn't bother about retarding the ignition. Pushing the bike for a few meters and dropping the clutch while jumping in the saddle invariably starts his Nortons.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Paul's CS1
Paul's Moore-engined CS1; a very fine example of the breed. Impressively, Paul doesn't use kickstart levers and doesn't bother about retarding the ignition. Pushing the bike for a few meters and dropping the clutch while jumping in the saddle invariably starts his Nortons.
Model CS1 (Moore)
Good God! Joke. The Harley Davidson Facts...
The Harley-Davidson Facts
The inventor of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Arthur Davidson , died and went to heaven.
At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur, 'Since you've been such a good man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang out with anyone you want to in heaven.' Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, ' I want to hang out with God.' St. Peter took Arthur to the Throne room, and introduced him to God. God recognized Arthur and commented, 'Okay, so you were the one who invented the Harley-Davidson motorcycle?'
Arthur said, 'Yeah, that's me...'
God commented: 'Well, what's the big deal in inventing something that's pretty unstable, makes noise and pollution and can't run without a road?' Arthur was a bit embarrassed, but finally spoke, 'Excuse me, but aren't you the inventor of woman?' God said, 'Ah, yes.' 'Well,' said Arthur, 'professional to professional, you have some major design flaws in your invention!
1. There's too much inconsistency in the front-end suspension.
2. It chatters constantly at high speeds.
3. Most rear ends are too soft and wobble about too much.
4. The intake is placed way too close to the exhaust.
5. The maintenance costs are outrageous!!!!
'Hmmmmm, you may have some good points there,' replied God, 'hold on.'
God went to his Celestial supercomputer, typed in a few words and waited for the results. The computer printed out a slip of paper and God read it. 'Well, it may be true that my invention is flawed,' God said to Arthur, 'but according to these numbers, more men are riding my invention than yours'.
biker humor,
biker jokes,
motorcycle humor
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Andrew's CS1 Norton

This is Andrew's 1928 CS1 Norton. He bought it 7 years ago and it took him 6 years to restore; it had been raced in the early 60s and had had a hard life, losing many of the original bits. Fortunately it retained it's original frame, engine and gearbox.
Andrew fabricated most of the missing parts himself, including the handle bars, leavers, foot brake, rockers, positive stop gear change mechanism, foot rests, stand, tank caps, mudguard stays, saddle frame, the twin float bowls, Brooklands can and all nuts and bolts. More to follow!
Model CS1 (Moore)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
ES2 Norton

Another old photo of a Norton from Simon's archives. The photo dates from '29-'30 and depicts Ewart John (Tug) Wilson of Nottingham. The bike is an ES2 and except for the engine itself was exactly the same as the CS1. Still using gaslights and the original double barrel silencer.
son's Of Anarchy Season 2 episode 7 review
- This episode started out with SAMCRO members in prison. Jax says, "The Ariens put out the word. Us white boys are on our own". Without any protection in the big house, the club is in danger of being killed 1 by 1. Clay tries to buy some protection from the One Niners. Clay asks, "If we do this, Black got our back?" The reply was, "When they are both delivered, Harley's gettin all kinds of love from the Fat Man". The Club is to deliver a snitch which was successful, but ultimately got Juice stabbed. (By the way, he lives.) They are also to set up a prostitute, which Opie does successfully from the outside, but this ends up in Trammel getting shot by the prostitue. He says, " I guess she didn't want to be set up."
- Agent Stahl shows her face up again. She tries to work some angles by saying she has no intent of creating any collateral damage in Charming. She is playing the side of the "good" FBI agent by trying to get down to the bottom of the Irish and Zobel.
- Opie's Ma drops the kids off with him. She says she is going up north to see Piney. She packed up all her stuff. She ain't coming back. Opie says she couldn't be a Mom 20 years ago, and she can't be one now.
- Gemma talks to Elliot, and convinces him to post bail for the club. He puts his property up for collateral. $300 against $3 Mill.
- Opie does a little confiding in the porsnstar Lila. Actually agrees to let her take his kids for a while. When she comes to get them, Gemma and Tara won't let her. The verbal exchange of insults between Tara and Lila is pretty funny.
- Bobby tells Jax that it falls in him to squash what ever it is between him and Clay. Jax asks why he should. Bobby tells Jax, "Because Clay is old and mean & He is never going to admit he is wrong & He's earned that." Jax says, "Nah man, time don't mean shit." Bobby says, "I'm doin the best I can to hold us together, but if this split gets any worse, I'm gonna hafta pick a corner. You know this club needs a healing Brother, and you got to be the one to deliver it."
- Jax and Clay get questioned while in prison by FBI Agent Stahl. The questioning is individual and private. She tries to play them against each other. Clay gets questioned first. She shows him a picture of the Irish and Zobel making a deal. She says she will make things go back to normal if he will give her information on the Irish. She says she is only interested in catching the Irish, not SAMCRO. Clay doesn't buy her line, and says he knows nothing about the Irish. Before questioning Jax, there is a HUGE BRAWL between Clay and Jax. The club and the rest of the inmates, let the brawl go on. They both mutually kick the shit out of each other. Then it's Jax's turn for questioning. Same thing happens with him. Jax doesn't bite either. He tells her that she took a huge risk asking them for information on the Irish. He said that because of this he knows she ain't got shit on SAMCRO. Then Agent Stahl, tells them they are free to go. Bail was already posted.
- The boys return from prison. Gemma and Tara are at the clubhouse parking lot when they roll in. They all but Jax go in the one clubhouse main door, and Jax in another. No one speaks a word. Gemma and Tara truly look stumped, like WTF was that all about?
- Thus ends another fantastic episode. I can't wait to see how they will top this one. We'll see soon!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Mystery Norton

Rob recently bought yet another pile of bits that will one day make a Norton; he had a few already but this one appeared to be so special that he could not let it go. The Norton is an OHC model using a Carroll engine. The engine and frame numbers (respectively CS49056 and 42864) match and identify the bike as a 1931 CS1 that was despatched on the 13th of October 1930 to the famous Liverpool dealer and tuner Victor Horsman. The bike uses the Enfield rear hub but in combination with a two stay frame. 1931 CS1 Nortons typically use the Enfield rear hub but in combination with a three stay frame. (Though the 350cc CJ models did already use a two stay frame in combination with the Enfield hub in those years.)
The engine has a few remarkable features; it is an early engine, as identified by the absence of the oilfilterbolt in the crankcase timing case. Further, the cambox has a provision to drain excess oil via an external oil line fitted to the right side of the cambox. There are adjusters for the felts that seal the rockers on top of the cambox; not only at the bottom as on later models. The engine uses coil valve springs and the inspection cover looks different. The exhaust pipe still sits at the left side of the engine. In that light have a look at the text below that I copied from Paul Norman's website:
"The new model was offered to the public late in 1930 (although still being advertised as the earlier CS1 and CJ model types) and also boasted a modified and updated chassis. The earliest of the Carroll engines had a slightly different cylinder stud spacing to later engines, and did not have an oil pressure indicator or oil filter in the crankcase timing case. Also apparent in the earliest photos of the racing model in 1930 was an additional oil pipe running from the right side of the front cambox, down to the corresponding area of the timing case. I assume this was to assist oil drainage, although it was removed by the time the 1931 model range was introduced. This earliest of models also looked to have a top bevel inspection cover with a slightly different curve to later models. Another interesting point with the early versions of the engine is that they were fitted with standard coil valve springs. This is surprising really, when one of the International and Manx engines most well known and refining features was its later use of exposed hairpin valve springs, with associated oil loss! Hairpin springs were not introduced until 1934."
Hurried drawings made for the 1929 Olympia show are probably not correct but some features, like the oil return line from the cambox are clearly visible. It's tempting to speculate that Rob has one of these rare and early models as described by Paul. Does anyone recognize this Norton?
Hurried drawings made for the 1929 Olympia show are probably not correct but some features, like the oil return line from the cambox are clearly visible. It's tempting to speculate that Rob has one of these rare and early models as described by Paul. Does anyone recognize this Norton?
Model CS1 (Carroll)
Monday, October 26, 2009
Lex's 1926 M18 Norton
This is Lex's 1926 M18; bought one and a half year ago from Ron Farthing. It has needed some work since, new main bearings and bigend and some attention to the gearbox. The engine, or at least the cases, are somewhat newer than the rest; the engine number suggests 1928-1929. The carb is a later Amal 289. The mudguards are very sporty, resembling those fitted to the racers. A very nice and fast bike!
-Flat Tank models,
Model 18
Friday, October 23, 2009
c1938 16H Norton
Wim from Belgium sent me pics of the c1938 16H Norton he rebuilt together with his father. Wim's father had known the bike for decades before he could persuade the owner to part with it. The previous owner had used the Norton to power a woodsaw; the rear wheel had been removed and the rear chain connected to the sawing table. A hole had been chopped in the primary chain case to run a ventilator, via a belt, to supply the engine with cold air. Restoration was still quite straighforward. Nice one, Wim!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wicked Springer
The other day I was driving along and saw this really kick ass Springer. I just had to shoot a few photos of it.

Thought you might enjoy it at much as me.
Really though, Ain't it one of the cutest things you ever did see?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
1937 CS1 Norton
This is the 1937 CS1 Norton that I could have bought from George Cohen early in 2002; which I didn't for all sorts of reasons. The bike had matching engine, frame, gearbox and forks numbers and was described to be very close to original specification.
It's the tamed version of the cammy models as produced by Norton at the end of the thirties. Distinguishing features, engine-wise, are the horizontal inlet stub and coil springs. The frame has a distinct bend just above the cylinder head; for the rest the frame, wheels and tinware look very similar to those of my 1935 ES2 model.
In 2002 the asking price was a lot of money, today I wouldn't think twice about buying it!
Model CS1 (Carroll)
Son's Of Anarchy Season 2 episode 6 review
. This episode begins with the ambulance taking Chibs away.
. Unser and Clay are talking about the fact that bombs bring in the Feds. Clay wants revenge, and Unser wants Clay to keep it outside of Charming. Clay says to Unser, Then you get me a home address on Zobel and Weston. They both live out of town-otherwise you'll be watching Main Street on the ten o-clock news". Unser replies with a "Jesus Christ."
. We see Hale and Jax talking. Hale says to Jax, "This was Zobel." Jax, "Otto, now Chibs; this guys trying to break us all." More chit chat between the two.... Hale wants to know what Jax will do if he finds Zobel before the rest of the club. Jax says. "We both know this guy's got some kind of leverage on you; Think of it as a self serving favor" Hale agrees to help Jax by getting an address for him on Zobel and Weston with some information on where they might be.
. Opie's Ma tries to get Jax to help her. Opie is not spending much time at home with the kids, and she wants Jax to talk to Opie.
. Tara asks Jax if she is in danger, If they are in danger.
. SAMCRO holds a meeting. Clay says, "Zobel tried to kill 2 of us in the last 12 hours. This charter doesn't wait any longer; We kill em. Do I need to take a vote?"
Nobody says a thing. Clay gets up and leaves. Shortly after, the rest of the club does too.
. In a room inside the clubhouse where Opie has been staying, Jax has his conversation with him about him not being right yet with all that has happened. Opie turns the tables, and tells Jax, he's the one with the problems. He starts accusing Jax of wanting to take the club over and basically states that it's Clays Club, and he'll just have to get in line. It ain't his time yet.
. The Irish have a meeting with Zobel. (WTF?) Can't wait to see what'll arise out of this in the future.
.With the help of Hale, they get the address of A.J. Weston. They break in after seeing some movement in the window. Gun fire is exchanged right away, only to find out it is Weston's little kid. I think about 10 years old max. The kid gets caught, no one shot, but damn close. He's a mouthy little prick. When asked where his dad is, he says, "I ain't tellin you shit, race trader." Then he spits on Jax.
. Clay breaks into Impeccable Smokes and trashes the place.
. Gemma and Tara are in the hospital. They are talking and we find out that Chibs is stable but in critical condition still. He has major head trauma that could possibly need some pressure relieving if the swelling doesn't go down on its own.
. While in the hospital Tara asks Gemma if she can get a ride home with her. Gemma obliges. She says she'll wait around till Tara is done. Also while at the hospital while waiting for Tara to finish her shift, Gemma talks to Hale and finds out that Hale knows about the rape. Unser had no choice but to tell Hale because Hale was starting to believe the bullshit about Zobel being good for Charming. Unser wanted Hale to know the truth about what kind of shit bag Zobel really is. Hale gets Gemma to tell him about the Blonde girl (Zobel's daughter) who trapped her so that she could be raped. Gemma is surprised to find out David Hale wants to hurt them as bad as SAMCRO.
. Tara and Gemma leave. We find them talking about guns. Gemma asks Tara if she still has the one she gave her. She said no. She got rid of it after Cohen. Gemma gives Tara a new gun. The go out and do some target shooting. The blonde pornstar that has been trying to steal Jax from Tara pulls up in her car. Tara points the gun at her, and she goes running inside the studio. Tara says, "That was fun." Gemma says watch this; and shoots out one of the tires. Then the two of them shoot the crap out of the car and leave.
. Hale pops into Impeccable Smokes. Zobel's daughter is there cleaning up. Hale asks her where Ethan is. She say's, "Do I look like his keeper?" She refuses to cooperate, and says, "Charge me, or get out." Hale threatens to cut himself and say that it was her that did it to him, and she cooperates. She tells Hale about a gathering where Ethan is. Hale tells Jax. Too bad the bitch twisted the information up a bit. There would be many innocent people at this place. It's not quite where you want to have a shoot out.
. Clay and the rest of the club figure out where this is going to be as well by getting the information out of the computer, it is at a Christian Center.
. Jax warns them that the cops will be coming, and if they go in, they are all going to jail. Clay says, "A.K.'s and shot guns, let's go!". They storm into the place only to find out it's like a church supper or something, and A.J. Weston at Zobel's nod, fires a shot at them. The end up storming out, and the cop's are indeed waiting for them. Opie seems to have been running late to this and is riding his motorcycle and crashes it; gets up and is hiding behind the bushes, only to find the entire club getting cuffed and stuffed into the paddy wagon.
Season 2 Episode 7 can't come soon enough my friends!
Son's of Anarchy,
Son's of Anarchy Season 2
Monday, October 19, 2009
Riding weather
Life's been busy lately. Lack of time to do much but work. Weekends always seem to be too short. I even have a hard time keeping up with SOA. I watch it, but find little time to really sit down and write something that will do the last episode justice. I will. Soon. I promise. I just need more time. I should have taken the time to do so yesterday, but instead hopped on my bike for ride with a couple of friends to go leaf peeping. Boy was it a splendid afternoon. I was in such a rush to get out there and enjoy one of the last really nice weekend days of the season that I didn't even remember to bring my camera. I'm hoping for some of those Indian summer days coming soon where I can take advantage, and get out a few more times yet this season for rides that last more than 15 minutes. Fall is my favorite season, and to me the best riding weather. Can't beat the scenery and the mild temps. It's one of the few times where you can be suited up with the proper safety riding gear and feel comfortable temperature wise. I led the ride on some of my most favorite twisty back road routes that I know. Yesterday, we rode almost nonstop for about 5 hours and only put on about 150 miles. You do the math. That's a lot of twisties.
Hope you all had a great weekend. I'll post my SOA review soon.
fall weather riding,
leaf peeping,
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Pat's M18 Norton

The picture on top depicts Patrick in Belgium, on the 11th of April 2008, sitting on the M18 Norton he had bought half an hour earlier. Close to Brugge we had stopped for French fries before taking the long way home again.
It's a 1930 model, the first year that enclosed pushrods were used. It's got the somewhat higher frame that was also used on the 600cc M19 Nortons. Despite the saddle tank it has a truly vintage feel to it, with the Enfield rear hub and the Sturmey Archer gearbox.
The bike has been carefully rebuilt since; bearings in engine, gearbox and wheels were replaced, gearbox and clutch needed attention, brakes were relined and the magneto rewound. The carb is a new Amal 276. For the rest it was just a matter of very careful reassembly.
Pat took it to the Isle of Man this year and apart from a few teething troubles it proved utterly reliable and a joy to ride; a very nice bike!
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